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Wedding basics

Gibraltar FAQ

Wedding basics



The wedding ceremony will be held at Holy Trinity Cathedral in Gibraltar, beginning at 4pm.

Afterwards there will be a reception at Los Canos in Guadiaro, to which all guests are invited.  This is across the border in Spain, so you’ll need to bring your passport.


If you’ve got this far you obviously know how to work the internet, so please send your reply to – nb we’ll then assume that we can contact you at the email address you reply from, unless you say otherwise.

If your invite is for you “and guest” please let us know their name, otherwise we won’t be able to throw money away on place cards and that sort of thing.

Gift List

There will be a gift list at John Lewis, which you’ll be able to access on the internet.  However, because the shop changes what they sell from season to season, the list won’t actually be available until 20th May next year.


If you have any questions at all, please email us at