Front page

How to get there

Places to stay

Places nearby

Wedding basics

Gibraltar FAQ



Here’s some information which should be useful if you’re planning on coming to our wedding, because we’re far too lazy to tell you all individually.

Unfortunately this has taken slightly longer than expected when we said this would be ready a couple of weeks ago, we forgot that we were on holiday then.  Doh.  Also, our general idleness means that the odd map or picture is all you’re likely to get in the way of technical excellence.

For now, we’ve included the following:


How to get there


Places to stay, and places nearby


Some info about Gibraltar, not strictly necessary but everyone keeps asking


A brief note about unimportant things like the wedding itself and the wedding list


A far more important note about the law

Later, we’ll add some more practical information that you’ll need when you actually turn up, including some detailed road maps so the entire day isn’t occupied by us giving directions and you getting lost.





Obviously we're lawyers so this website has to have some otherwise pointless terms and conditions.  Looking at any page other than this one is subject to them, so you'd better read them here.  Otherwise bad things might happen.